الجمعة، 7 فبراير 2014


Obesity represents a great effort on the human body, and leads to short life. And obesity may have been taken to many complications, such as: fatigue, heart problems , shortness of breath and exposure to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes and back pain, joints and ligaments, in addition to the large number of infectious diseases and the inability to play sports or even walk which is one of the simplest kinds of sports.

The causes of obesity
Of the main causes of obesity, eating too much, where the weight is increased or decreased as a result of an increase or lack of eating what the body needs calories, and can be defined as caloric as the amount of energy generated by a certain amount of food, the more the person obtained a larger amount of calories than needed these excess calories turn into fat, and stored in the form of lipids in the body. But if the person eating the amount of food contains fewer calories than your body needs, the body converts part of the fat into energy.
pregnant women and children require an excessive amount of calories for the growth process. But the increase in eating alone for more than required without doubt increase fat in the body. The amount of food play a major role in weight gain compared to the quality of the food. normal people or obese people may have equal amounts of food, but the resulting difference in weight is due to differences in the relationship between food intake and the amount of energy used in each case.
There are centers in the brain responsible for appetite and hunger and satiety. These centers make you stop food when you find you are enough of it. And these centers make a person eats a sufficient quantity to supply the body with enough of his need. While feeding centers that make a person wants to eat , the satiety centers working to curb or stop feeding centers , which makes a person willing to stop eating . The mechanism of action of feeding and satiety centers is very complex.
There are several reasons help to stagger the work of these centers, such as stress and genetic characteristics. Examples when person become very disappointed this may lead to stop all physical activity. In such case, the amount a person eats is bigger than he used to, which contributes to weight gain, whereas other people are getting the movement to have in case of disappointment, which helps in weight loss.
Some scientists say that giving infants a large amount of eating up what they need increases the number of fat cells they have, and these cells have the ability to store fat easily, making these children susceptible to obesity throughout their lives.

The second reason
The second reason of the causes of obesity is the body idle, when the human body is idle, it contributes to weight gain in all ages, and it shows, especially in children and adolescents. Deals with obese adolescents amount not to exceed what people eat natural, it has to eat less than others, but in fact idle and thus eating Food when they devour outweigh the amount of physical movement and turns it into fat which increases in weight.

The third reason
Genetics, scientists were able to identify a lot of the relationship between genetics and obesity in animals, especially rats. This relationship is based on genes; genes represent a unit cell that determines genetic characteristics. Scientists have discovered that some of the mice have genes causing the mechanism to stop the of satiety centers in the brain, while these genes lead to make the bodies of these mice secrete a large amount of chemicals called hormones.
But in humans, the role of genes is not known just as is the case in animals, but researchers have found that there are signs that some people are willing to obesity not others because of genetics. In a study conducted on students in secondary schools found that only 8% of students belonging to the parents of obese people have the thinnest.
And between families where one parent is obese, found that 70% of children are obese. And between families, which includes father and mother are obese, the percentage of 80% of children are obese. This study also showed that the child within the family fledgling adoption does not appear these cases genetic.
The fourth reason: Disease

  The other reasons were initially occur as a result of the presence of certain diseases, hitting some thyroid glands may make this gland secretes a large amount of hormones into the blood circulation and these hormones in turn affect the of satiety and feeding centers in the brain. In addition to the above, the obesity may occur as a result of the brain injury centers on nutrition and satiety, and it is by injury in accidents or infected by diseases or cancerous tumor.
The effect of chemical drugs and herbal on obesity
The chemical and herbal medicine Affect to lose weight, but there are negative effects for Pharmaceuticals has used chemical property "Dinitrophenol" to lose weight, but there are side effects that accompanied the use of such a rash and fever, blindness and sometimes death, has stopped the use of this property.
In the sixties appeared the use of drug amphetamine (Amphetamines) but it turns out that this type of drug has psychological side effects, one of these influences the appearance of the symptoms of addiction and the doctors warned of the use of this type of medicine to lose weight, and in 1996, licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug (Rednx).
Known scientifically as Dexfenfluramine is this property a sort of another property specialist weight loss is Fenfluramin commercially known as Pondimin, which was present in global markets since the seventies and use this property with another property is Phenteramine known as (Ionamin, Fastin, Adipex - P) and is popularly known as Fen - Phen It is similar in effect to amphetamines.
The increased use of drug "Redux" and drug "Fen – Phen" in 1997 where the use of more than two million dollars property first, while used second drug about six million people in the late 1997 withdrew these drugs from the shelves of pharmacies after the Organization Food Drug Administration the U.S. tested the hearts of 291 using the who turned out to ruin their hearts valves have earned this ruin after the use of these medications.
While herbal medicine used for weight loss has proven its effectiveness and lack of side effects and herbal medicine used for weight loss include:
to be continued >>>>>>>>>>>>

الأربعاء، 5 فبراير 2014

How to dispose completely of chemicals in foods and vegetables ?

How to dispose completely of chemicals in foods and vegetables?

Four steps that are used to dispose of chemicals in fruits and vegetables found in the market, and these steps are great and excellent; they have proved they are capable of clearance of chemical additives for foodstuffs cultivated by adding chemical fertilizer and chemical insect killers at large.

The first step

Choose fruit that is small in size

It will be less in the amount of chemicals that had been absorbed,
Imagine that you have 2 cabbages, one large and weighing 3 kg, the second as small as half a kilo, which took chemical fertilizer more than the other??? Undoubtedly the largest, and therefore choose fruits and vegetables that are smaller.

The second step

Choose fruits and vegetables that is racy 

and has the smell of origin fruit, for example, if you have two types of tomatoes , both of which are small in size , you have to smell the species , it is found where the smell of tomatoes stronger and better , it is better , because the vegetables that grow by chemical fertilizer grow quickly and be free of enzymes and yeasts naturally present in the fruit , which gives it the smell , but that grow naturally creating big the yeasts and enzymes well , which gives the pure smell of the fruit.
The third step

Soaking in water & salt

Soak all fruits and vegetable in water and salt for 10 minutes only and do not exceed it , this shall save it from chemical additives during its agriculture, but if soaked over 10 minutes, they start to lose the vitamins they contain.

The fourth and most important step

To say "In The Name of God"

 , which anything cannot be hurt with his name on the earth or in the sky three times.

الثلاثاء، 4 فبراير 2014

Dear drunkard rosemary can help

 Dear drunkard rosemary can help

Scientific name: Rosmarinus oficinalis

Plant description
Herbaceous plant, a perennial herb reaches a height of one meter to two meters, it smells camphor-like odor.

Suitable planting rosemary in place of an open garden or inside the house in the balcony or terrace.

The medical part of the plant
All Aerial parts

The original home of the plant
Mediterranean, but it is growing in many countries of the world.

Medical uses

Alzheimer's disease and to improve memory
rosemary contains materials effective as anti-oxidant such as (Rosmanic acid) and some other compounds that inhibit or prevent the crash of breaking chemical brain which causes breakage events of Alzheimer's disease is the most important volatile oil and acid tannins .

The rosemary plant has an effect on the alarm memory cues, it is considered a good stimulant of blood circulation and has a significant rule in European herbal medicine, it improves the ability to focus and memory.
Use by rubbing the head with drops from its extract to activate memory , and enhances memory gradually  , The impact of rosemary similar to the effect of the chemical that are currently used to treat Alzheimer's  "Tacrine" while it leaves no side effects on the liver as does the composite compound Tacrine.

Rosemary and hair problems
Value of rosemary and an affair with hair problems where it leads to cohesion and prevent hair fall and help to grow and improve of blood circulation blood flow to the head.

For the treatment of vaginal secretions
Take Leaves of rosemary with peels oak equal ratio, one teaspoon to a cup of water has been boiled and placed in it for ten minutes with covering and using it warm as vaginal lotion twice daily.

For the treatment of neurological disorders
among addicted to alcohol
wine addict Takes 4 tablespoons of leaves of rosemary in four cups of water , and sweet with honey or sugar and drink four batches a day, and regularly on it for three or four weeks , has been accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea , but this is normal .

Fatigue and weakness of nerves

Tablespoon of rosemary are already working as a tea explanation and taken three times a day for those who suffer from premature fatigue and lethargy and weakness of nerves, drink after meals and before bedtime is a stimulant herb.

some recent studies have proven that the plant rosemary prevents tumorigenesis and development is therefore advisable drinking it from time to time as advised by placing as spice in food.

Rosemary as a preservative
rosemary contains antioxidants and was used as
a preservative of the meat from rotting where it is added to prevent oxidation and spoilage.

Rosemary spice
Can be placed within the amount of herb spices that are placed in food improve the flavor and adds interest to the eating.

As well as some of the benefits of it
- Useful in the treatment of disorders of the heart.
- Repellent of gas.
- Against cough and asthma.
- as adjunctive therapy for cases of mild depression.
- Diuretic and Emmenagogic.
- Pesticide.

Sage "women's perfect herb" BUT TAKE CARE!!!!!!!


Word Sagebrush (Sage) taken from a legend told by Christians for Peace Mary Text myth (It is said that a boy had a fever and no Medicine for his recovery.  She begged his mother to the Virgin Mary, asking them to cure her son, she responded to the request of the mother then it had appeared to her in a dream and ordered her to irrigate her son sage tea , she carried out what she was ordered , the boy recovered well . God forbid this infidelity and healing attributed recipe for a recipe creature, it's that time named (Mary Angelica) then Sage.

 Scientific name: Salvia officnalis
Parts used: the leaves and flowering heads.

benefits  Sage
used as an astringent and antiseptic and scented and expelling the gas discount sweat and tonic generating estrogen -reducing breasts to produce milk. Also used against infections and against muscle cramps and anti several types of bacteria, used tonic for nerves. Also used for menstrual cycle regulator.

Sage is used today in the treatment of many health disorders, most notably:

- Digestive disorders, loss of appetite and increased secretions in the stomach.
- Menstrual disorders and symptoms of menopause and help better flow of blood through menstruation , thanks to the advantages enjoyed by hormonal . They also ease the sweating and hot flashes experienced by women in menopause.
- stimulating blood circulation , recommended at exams days with severe anemia and impaired memory , and hands shiver .
- Reinforcing the work of the stomach and intestines, and reports against vomiting, diarrhea and gonorrhea.
- Useful for the weakness of the lungs and recurrent infections colds and flu and allergies.
- Useful for the treatment of asthma, dry leaves still added to other herbs used to treat asthma.
- Useful for sore gums, throat and larynx.
- Contain rosmarinic acid, a powerful anti -inflammatory and relieves rheumatism and muscle spasms.
- Reduce the level of glucose in the blood.
- Useful for the treatment of depression and nervous exhaustion.
- Drink before sleep relieves insomnia, anxiety and exhaustion, especially in the elderly.

The recommended dose
 from the leaves of sage teaspoon to fill the cup has been boiled twice a day .

How to use it?

1 - Infusion with hot water:
 a grip of sage thrown in a liter of boiling hot water, then cover the pot wait for 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink filling cup 3-4 times daily for the following cases:
Indigestion, diarrhea, dizziness , vomiting , gastroenteritis , intestinal gas , liver trouble , kidney colic, Colds, flu , insomnia , depression ,fever , weakness and degeneration of powers , , mental and physical fatigue, rheumatism , sexual frigidity in men , menstruation disorderes , and pain associated with it , in the latter case, this starts to eat sage emulsion week before the deadline for the victor menstruation, used as gargle and rinse : inflammation of the gums , teeth , throat , and tonsils , ( the turnoff ) sores inside the mouth because of the heat of the stomach and tired of the liver , for purely sound , to perfume the breath , and to eliminate evaporation stinking ..

2 - Boiled
 a grip from the leaves of sage green boil five minutes in a liter of water put out the fire and then left another five minutes then drain .
Dosage: fill cup 4 times a day to stop the milk lactating far weaning their babies or when you get to abort the fetus 0.3 cups per day effective tonic.

3 - Vaginal injections
Antiseptic for uterus and vagina to eliminate infections, itching, gonorrhea, anal douche: for anal itching and itching in the genitals, wash the face with it to nourish the skin and tighten it.

5 - Powdered dried leaves in the shade
 finely crushed : used instead of toothpaste strengthens the gums , to prevent and kill weevils , perfumed breath , pulling the gums, to get rid of the smell of the old and waged among children, throw much of this powder teaspoon income of each shoe .

7 – Face mask
 Mix dried Sage powder with honey for oily skin, and with oil for normal skin and dry mixed mask it stays for 20 minutes. Restores the lost freshness and tightens the skin, God willing.

* Does Sage reduces glucose levels?
Yes sage leaf useful for diabetes but by simple, the fenugreek is better also municipal veins onions, sage taken at a dose estimated to fill a spoon eating leaves of sage added to fill a glass of water has been boiled and leave for a quarter of an hour , then drain and drink and can eat three cups per day. The sage has no damage if used according to specific doses and also not to use them on an ongoing basis.

* Means asking whether the sage plant alleviates weight if they drink after every meal?
Some references say that discarded at a rate of three doses a day after eating to reduce weight , but these references are not supported by documented scientific and clear

contra-indications of sage
- it is Banned eating sage for lactating women because it prevent the milk flow, as well as pregnant in the first three months because it is emmenagogic.
- Are not properly collected with iron, do not attend or saves Fried made ​​of iron may not be taking steroids containing iron while eating.
- Sage of powerful drugs so stresses on the amounts and adherence to prescribed doses.
- Teaspoon for each (100 ml.) the amount of water you (cup) taken the cup on the dose or doses that separates the dose and dose –hour, May not take more than (2 cups) per day .
- Do not drink hot sage but lukewarm .

Where does the toxicity lie      
toxicity is  in frequent use of boiled sage and chewed green where the substance thujone is toxic if taken at a rate of 3 4 cups a day , or chewing green as it works to dry mouth and spasms in the muscles of the respiratory system updated respiratory distress and coma as a result of lack of oxygen and death if not ministering person , and should not be addressed in epileptics where help stimulation early attack of epilepsy , pregnant women where it work on uterine contractions updated miscarriage or premature birth , but for eating material as it is known in many Arab countries , where used with tea , as in Palestine, particularly , this amount simple does not affect this form .