السبت، 18 يناير 2014

A brief initial tips about herbs ( The Herbalist )

 ( The Herbalist )
A brief initial tips about herbs

• Results of herbal treatment usually does not appear until after 4-6 wee.
• do not exceed allowable amount of herbs
• refrain menstruating women and pregnant and breastfeeding women throughout the treatment period.
• drying flowers and leaves must be shade , prefers either seeds dried in the sun , and the root is dried after being washed and make their lengthwise into halves and cut into small pieces , in the sun directly with spacing from each other, as well as for the fruits of it
• herbal drink is made by soaking .
• Attendance taking medication according to the method described for each treatment.
• In the case of the presence of chronic diseases must question a specialist doctor before using herbal remedies to ensure there are no drug interactions.
 ( The Herbalist )


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