الخميس، 30 يناير 2014

GARLIC the small GIANT

Garlic the small GIANT

The chemical content:
Contains garlic compound known as (Allins) and (Alkylcystine Sulfoxides) and when cut or mashed garlic cloves turn this compound to another compound is (Allicine) which is known as (diallyl- disylphide-mono-s-oxide) and garlic as it withers and then re- wet in the water it contains oil consists of compounds known as Oligosulfides ,Garlic also contains several articles on the polysaccharide (Polysaccharides) materials and soap (Sapnins). It also contains protein and fat and mineral salts and vitamins A, b, c, e.

The benefits of modern medical
We have proved the world of Louis Pasteur, the great French chemist in the nineteenth century to contain the antiseptic properties of garlic have benefited British armies , German and Russian from these properties during World Wars I and II. Since that time, many studies have confirmed that garlic is effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.
Scientists have begun in recent years to study the garlic extensively as published 500 articles in scientific journals and medical on the preventive effects of garlic since the mid- eighties has focused this research on the effect of garlic on blood cholesterol and pressure as well as blood platelets and thus reduce the risk of heart attack and strokes.

The current research suggests that garlic contains anti-cancer properties, where it turns out that garlic reduces the risk of colon cancer. The study proved the experimental animals that garlic helps to reduce the cancer cells of breast cancer, skin and lungs as well as to protect against cancer of the colon and esophagus.

As proven through studies that took place in Germany, Japan and the United States on that garlic antibiotic. The doctor declared Professor " Hanzerdietr " German for him to make sure that garlic purifies the blood of cholesterol and fatty substances and it kills the germs that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, and in some cases was more effective than penicillin and some other antibiotics.

According to the result of research conducted by Russian scientists that the fumes of garlic peeled or section is enough to kill a lot of germs without the need to touch the garlic , and saw that the spores dysentery , diphtheria, tuberculosis die after exposure to steam garlic or onions for five minutes . The chewing garlic for three minutes kills germs diphtheria accumulated in the tonsils. Has been a scientific study on the garlic, onion , Faculty of Pharmacy - King Saud University - bacteria that live in the human mouth and cause tooth decay has been reported study that garlic spent on all types of bacteria in the mouth while he spent the onion on two-thirds of the bacteria was published in the Journal of Alvaatotrbea German . Garlic is also an antibiotic that can actually kill infectious microbes and at the same time serves to protect the body of toxins caused by the infection.

Garlic is used as a disinfectant to stop diarrhea and gut microbial has proved recently that garlic oil has a fatal effect on many of the germs that infect the intestines and cause diarrhea, which in this area have a stronger effect of many antibiotics. It also could be used to stop the garlic anally dysentery and remove the intestinal antiseptic. Garlic is also a good laxative of the gut. Garlic is also used to treat typhoid and cleanse the intestines of worms in terms of conjuring garlic medicine under the name of ( Onerol ) in the form of capsules .

Cough and asthma
The garlic is used to treat cough , asthma, whooping cough syrup taken where it is composed of one teaspoon of garlic juice + two tablespoons of molasses or honey to add three cloves of garlic and taken once on the water. In the case of whooping cough can give a child of 10-12 points from garlic juice with orange juice every four hours. Garlic is used as an antiseptic for wounds and many skin diseases has proved its use for the treatment of vitiligo, alopecia, as well as the kind of white view of the property of garlic kill germs. As well as fungal infections.

Has clinical study on 42 patients suffering from high cholesterol and blood pressure and sugar were given every one of them doses of garlic powder by 900 mg daily for a period of twelve weeks decreased the rate of cholesterol as well as blood pressure and diabetes dramatically and subsequently made ​​several preparations of garlic mediated by large companies . We have proved the German Constitution that garlic treatment used against high cholesterol and against high blood pressure, as well as against atherosclerosis.

1- Cancer:
 It turned out from tests conducted on experimental animals that garlic prevents the occurrence of all types of cancers such as cancer of the liver, colon, breast and prostate.
 There are a lot of published information about the relationship of garlic cancer has been found that a substance called (Diallyl Disulphide) , which comprise when cutting or grinding the garlic when it is injected into the tumor cells , these tumors getting smaller in size to half. And there are also other material components of garlic prevent breast cancer by preventing cancer cells from breast cells union because of the garlic that strengthens the body's immunity, which is considered an important factor in the eradication of cancer and this material is considered therapeutic and preventative against cancer.

The Herbalist

 2- Cholesterol
There are 12 studies have been published around the world confirm that garlic in all its forms; it can lower cholesterol within 4 weeks. We conducted a study in Germany on a group of people, half of whom were given garlic pills and the other half a placebo after 12 weeks and found that the cholesterol level decreased by 12 % when people who ate garlic pills compared to others who did not take garlic.                                         3- Garlic and viruses
 Garlic is considered deadly for viruses that cause cold, cold and eating garlic at the beginning of feeling pain throat prevent throat infections and colds. It is believed that garlic increases the body's immune cells against the pathological.
4- Garlic and pregnancy
Recent research has shown that eating garlic during pregnancy prevents the occurrence of pre-eclampsia and also helps the growth of the fetus in cases associated with retarded growth of the fetus during the stages of pregnancy.
5- Garlic and child birth (infant)
 It turned out even infants prefer garlic where it appeared that the nursing mother experience dealing with garlic, this works on the child to remain longer on the mother's breast and thus deals with a larger amount of milk.
6- Garlic and blood pressure
 It has been proved that the substance (allicin, ajoene) in garlic works to reduce high blood pressure and prevent atherosclerosis.
7- Garlic and mushrooms
I've found that some of the material in garlic is considered an antidote to some of the fungus and prevent its growth like (Aspergillus niger) (candida albicans).
Therefore, the medical studies confirm that people who eat garlic as an organization have a low incidence of gastric cancer and blood fats also have a lower risk of heart disease.
But it is important not to the consumption of fresh garlic because it leads to harm the digestive system and the garlic is cooked or edible oils in the record of the best ways to get the benefits.
Garlic Reservation
 You must save the garlic in a cool, dry place; good ventilation is not recommended to save it in the fridge or frozen so as not to lose the benefits.

                                              The Herbalist

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