الأربعاء، 12 مارس 2014

Best herbs for our hearts

Best herbs for our hearts


According to estimates by the National Center for Health Statistics, more than 68 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from one or more forms of cardiovascular disease. Be the leading cause of death in the country today, coronary heart disease and various remedies and preventive measures to stop deserve urgent attention.
As part of a comprehensive program to fight against heart disease , herbs are considered benefits because of their alkaloids and terpenoids natural - that are found by scientists to have therapeutic benefits for heart disease both traditional and modern medicine. Further studies are generally required before these indications may be declared successful - but we've compiled a list of herbs and natural foods for which encouraging results have been found. Please note that this article (as always on this site) is not medical advice or a recommendation to self-medicate. Please consult your doctor before using herbs, especially if you are taking medication or have heart disease.

10 Herbs for the heart

many studies have already shown how a clove of garlic a day can inhibit bad cholesterol and raise the good kind. Small clinical trials also show the effectiveness of garlic in the regulation of blood pressure, inhibition of platelet aggregation which can lead to stroke and to improve circulation. Other studies suggest that regular consumption of garlic can reduce cholesterol up to 10% to prevent hardening of the arteries.
A cardiac tonic due to its natural source of theobromine , cocoa also contains epicatechin , a flavonol that strengthens the function of blood vessels . In a randomized controlled trial in Switzerland, rich chocolate flavanols has been shown to benefit vascular and platelet function in patients with congestive heart failure, both in the short and long term by increasing the bioavailability of oxide nitric and reduce oxidative stress. This effect was maintained after the daily intake over a period of 4 weeks.

Links evidence hawthorn dilation of blood vessels to strengthen the heart , blood pressure , cholesterol and fat deposits . This is due to its active phytochemicals , including bioflavonoids that have antioxidant properties engulf free radicals. Similarly , hawthorn has been shown to help in the distribution and the use of vitamin C to strengthen the capillaries .
This plant is traditionally used to relieve rapid heartbeat caused by nervous tension, but with long-term use has also been found to reduce the formation of blood clots , cholesterol and triglycerides and strengthen muscles the heart . Compounds such as phenylpropanoids , flavonoids and phenolic acids, and volatile oils , sterols and tannins , have been identified in motherwort . Pharmacological studies have also confirmed its antibacterial, anti -oxidant , anti- inflammatory and analgesic and its sedative and hypotensive activity .

Because of its ability to improve the health of the microcirculation , bilberry can also help to strengthen blood vessel walls and stimulate the formation of new capillaries . [1] Thus , in a study in 2011 , the potential protective effects of bilberry extracts against cardiotoxicity have been suggested in part due to its antioxidant activities.

Although the ginseng roots have long been used clinically to treat various disorders , more recent studies have discovered their clinical value in the treatment of heart disease . Although further studies are needed to investigate the complex mechanisms that ginseng protects the heart , many promising trials in the role of ginseng to protect against coronary heart disease, cardiac hypertrophy , heart failure , cardiac energy metabolism , contractility and heart arrhythmia due herbs antitumor , anti- inflammatory , anti- allergic , anti- oxidative , anti- diabetic and anti-hypertensive activities .

Ginkgo Biloba
Leaf extracts of ginkgo have been shown in numerous studies to cause dilation and increased blood flow to the arteries, capillaries and veins. Furthermore , they also inhibit platelet aggregation , blood coagulation and work using antioxidants to protect the vessel walls from free radicals.
Although herbs are certainly not intended to minimize the role of good nutrition , exercise and healthy lifestyle in the fight against heart disease, they can , uses and appropriate advice of experts, simulate the effects of these in protecting your heart.

Known for its ability to prevent heart attacks, cayenne is a powerful remedy and packed with more than 26 nutrients health such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, selenium , zinc and fiber food . Research shows that this plant contains powerful compounds that play a critical role in optimizing the health of the heart . It is thought to work by removing the plaque in the arteries , provide food for the heart , improve circulation , emulsifiers triglycerides , removing harmful toxins from the bloodstream, blood cells re building and lowering the rate of cholesterol .

Holly is a lesser known wonderful plant that is thought to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease . Its main components , which include sterols, fatty acids and sterols , are considered beneficial in the improvement of blood as well as in reducing the susceptibility to atherosclerosis vessels.
Note that unlike many herbs that are considered good for the heart , the broom is recommended only for people diagnosed with low blood pressure or hypotension. It helps in increasing diastolic blood pressure , so people suffering from hypertension should avoid .

Regular consumption of grapes is deemed beneficial for the heart. Research shows that grapes are good sources of flavonoids that help fight high blood pressure and reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease and damage to the heart muscle.
In a study conducted at the University of Michigan Health System, it was found that grapes contain high levels of antioxidants that improve heart diastolic pressure , and reduce the occurrence of fibrosis , enlargement of the heart muscle and hypertensive heart failure.

Herbs for Heart - References:
[ 1 ] https://shop.lakewinds.com/store/Herbs-for-Heart-Health-W4702C18760.aspx
[2] active phytochemicals in Chinese herbal as therapeutic agents for the heart. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22632138
[ 3 ] http://www.care2.com/greenliving/heart-friendly-herbs.html?page=2
[4] The cardiovascular effects of chocolate rich in flavanols patients with heart failure. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22173910
[5] Leonurus cardiaca L. ( Motherwort ) : A review of its phytochemistry and pharmacology. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23042598
[6] The protective effect of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) against doxorubicin-induced oxidative cardiotoxicity in rats. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21455099
[7] The roles and mechanisms of ginseng in heart protection . http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22772919
[ 8 ] http://www.thewellnesswarrior.com.au/2011/09/love-your-heart-with-cayenne-pepper/
[ 9 ] http://www.heart-health-guide.com/Butchers-Broom.html
[ 10 ] http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/05/130502120259.htm

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