الجمعة، 14 مارس 2014

How to get rid of ants naturally?

Ants are one of the forms of life more prosperous planet Earth . They colonized almost all parts of the world except Antarctica and some small islands.
Most of what they do, we do not see. But there are many more of them than we generally realize: the ants are a surprising 15-25 % of the biomass of terrestrial animals! Much of their success is due to the high level of organization of the ant colony. They work tirelessly and are great team players . We could learn a few things from them .
You know how it goes: First you see an ant. An ant would not be a problem ... except for the fact that this little guy is a scout. Their job is to explore and find new foods. When they find something tasty , they alert the team then follow their path perfume in large numbers. The next thing you know , it's a full-scale invasion .
Just eat some snacks would be one thing . But certain species of ants, pharaoh ants as are responsible for the spread of harmful bacteria , including Staphylococcus .
One of the most popular methods to get rid of ants is to use poisons - but also the cruelty of this kind of chemical warfare , it may mean providing highly toxic substances in your home. One of the common ingredients in ant poison is arsenic. If you use these products , you will present small amounts of arsenic in your home and garden.
If you are committed to the natural way , you will of course want alternatives . Here's what we managed to see:
natural ways to get rid of ants


1 . Empty Trash frequently.
2 . Keep your own place - in particular pay attention to food debris (especially very soft ) .
3 . Do not leave uncovered food , food partially consumed remains and food bag ( they can get !) Around the pose. Keep food in jars - my favorites are the brand name " Fido " great food jars with gasket and the metal clip on the lid. No plastic !
4 . Wipe counters regularly using a natural cleanser as a solution of white vinegar. Dispose of spill anything sweet - honey, syrup, sugar , background etc - and make sure to clean the cupboards of food - a favorite place for ants raid.
5 . Fixing broken screens, seal cracks and other places where ants get in. Note this may not be totally effective - many doors simply do not close properly and leave room for them to squeeze through .
6 . If you see ants, see if you can understand what they eat. While you 're there - follow the trail in both directions and know where they get in. Removing the food source will force them to look elsewhere. They are pretty good at finding stuff - but if you really have nothing for them, they will pass .

7. Barricades
 Many substances can be used to make lines that ants do not like to cross. Here is a list of those that have been proposed:
 (The hotter the better)
( has anyone tried it it ? ) from
 chalk , Vaseline , diatomaceous earth
 ( food grade use dE, not the pool) , thin strips of flypaper sticky.

8 . Essential oils
 Add to spray water , maybe with a few drops of liquid soap as emulsifying agent, shake and spray around areas where ants are known to enter cinnamon essential oil is another one that gets good reviews in this application. It is also said that ants will not cross drawn with a Q -tip dipped in pure cinnamon essential oil line - so you can use it as an effective barrier is required.

9 . Plants
 Try growing mint , lavender, pennyroyal and citronella (either in the ground or in pots ) in the places where you want to discourage ants.
 Spray the pure lemon juice around areas they get in - the smell is said to blur their tracking system .

C: substances that are very toxic to ants,
 but low toxicity in the human environment
If the methods of "good karma " is not cutting it, you'll just have to raise the bar. ( Pun intentional ) :

11 . Boric acid
 Add 2 tablespoons of boric acid and half a cup of sugar in a cup of hot water. Dip cotton balls in it and put in places frequented by ants. Or , mix boric acid with syrup and set aside for ants .

12 . Spray soapy water
 Add a little liquid soap with water and spray !

13 . Raw Cream of wheat powder
 They eat , but apparently he develops stomach and finishing off.

14 . Coffee
 According to some , they will take home and eat and caffeine kills . According to others, if the reasons are dumped on anthills , rich aroma dominates their scent trails and breaks so their communication system , forcing them to abandon ship.

15 . Baking soda mixed with powdered sugar.

16 . Cornmeal
 Said to be a good - and safe for use around children and pets.

Note - These solutions are for small "ordinary" ants get in wardrobes and eat snacks. If you have carpenter ants , termites or fire ants , you have a much more serious problem and need a professional solution as soon as possible.
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